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Spoken English for Industry and Commerce (SEFIC)

SEFIC exam was designed specifically for the purpose of assessing the candidates ability to communicate verbally in the situations related to business environment, ie: dealing with clients, negotiations, debates, presentations or meetings are some of the things that the candidate may come in contact with. The exams are conducted by accredited LCCI examiners from Great Britain. SEFIC is set at 5 levels of proficiency, that stictly correspond to the Council of Europe CEFR scale, from A2 to C1.

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The language skills of a candidate are assessed during an easy conversation or a staged scene. The examiner checks the language ability of a candidate in the areas of speaking and listening as well as the level of familiarity with the specific terminology in the English language.

SEFIC exam is available on five levels of advancement:

  • Preliminary level – CEFR A2. Aimed at those candidates who have very basic knowledge of the English language in the area of business (speaking and listening) and are not able to converse well when the need for a professional communication occurs. ersonal and professional).
  • Level One – CEFR B1. Aimed at those candidates who are able to carry on simple conversations about business and professional life.
  • Level Two – CEFR B2. Aimed at those candidates who have reached an intermediate level of English language in the area of business and are able to use it (speak and listen) to communicate in professional situations.
  • Level Three – CEFR B2. Aimed at those candidates who have reached an advanced level of understanding and ability to use (speak and listed) the English language in professional situations.
  • Level Four – CEFR C1. Aimed at those candidates who have a deep understanding of English for business and are using it easily to communicate (speak and listen) in various business related situations.

SEFIC exams are conducted on demand on the date chosen by the candidate. There is a requirement of a minimum of ten people in order for the exam to take place.

SEFIC exam allows the use of all major English language variations (British English, North-American English, Australian English) under the condition that one variation of the language will be use through the whole exam. In addition, local variations of English language are also allowed (for example Russian English, Japanese English) with the condition that the accent of the candidate is not extremely heavy and his statements are understandable for a person that is using standard English.


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